- Only port 80 and 443 are allowed for HTTP/HTTPS connections.
- Firewall checks for the host header.
- If the domain is allowed, it shall pass under any IP addresses.
- If you try to connect without a header (IP only) firewall blocks it (except some of the IP addresses like google.com's will work fine).
- Firewall checks for SNI.
- If the domain is allowed, it shall pass under any IP addresses.
- Having a blocked domain on the host header works as long as there’s an allowed domain on the SNI.
- Any connection over HTTP/2 won’t work because TLS inspection forces the traffic to use HTTP/1.1.
- Therefore, only websockets can be used on domains that are subject to TLS inspection.
- Since there’s no TLS inspection on YouTube, HTTP/2 can be used over www.youtube.com.
- 23/12/2021 Update: Today’s test indicate that they got the wiser and enabled back youtube.com for TLS inspection. The domain is still not blocked.
HTTP request without a domain on the host header
- Firewall allows connecting to some IP addresses without a host header:
- google
- yandex
- youtube
Won't work